How to change the link to the messenger or social networks

If you made a mistake or just want to change the link to an already attached messenger or social network:

  • In your personal account, in the "Landing" section, go down to the "Messengers and social networks" subsection
  • Select the desired messenger or social network and click on the grey pencil
  • In the Link field make changes to the social networks link 
  • In the "Button text" field, enter the desired text for the button. For example: "Message me"
  • Click "Save"

Changes saved.

How to attach a link to a third-party site

If you want to do a little advertising for your third party website, gives you the option to do so by attaching a link to it:

  • In your personal account, in the "Landing" section, go down to the "Links" subsection
  • Click on the "Add" button
  • You will see a form to complete.
  • In the first line "Link Address" add a link to the desired site.
  • In the "Title" line, enter the desired title. For example: "My book on parenting"
  • In the "Subtitle" line, briefly describe what the website you linked to is about.
  • In the "Button text" field, enter the desired text for the button. For example: "Learn more"
  • Click "Upload cover" and choose a photo that best reflects the essence of the site or attach your photo
  • Click "Save"
How to attach links to your messengers and social networks allows you to place links to all popular instant messengers and social networks. 

For this:

  • In your personal account, in the "Landing" section, go down to the "Messengers and social networks" subsection

  • Click on the "Add" button
  • You will see a modal window with all possible instant messengers and social networks. Choose the option you need
  • In the first line "Link" add a link to the social networks. For example, if this is a link to Facebook:
  • In the "Button text" field, enter the desired text for the button. For example: Contact me

  • Click "Save"
  • Link successfully saved.
  • If you want to change the order of the displayed links on your landing page, hover over the six dots next to the desired social media link and drag it to the needed place in the list of messengers.